
for every Oregonian,
every year.

Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.

  • A huge tax break for you and your household

  • Cash directly to you for whatever you need

  • More cash in your pocket boosts local businesses & the economy

  • Cuts childhood poverty in half

Paid for by giant corporations like Comcast

  • Only taxes giant corporations after $25M of in-state revenue

  • These giant corps pay essentially zero state income tax

  • You pay way more taxes than these corporations

  • Corporations can stop crying and pay their fair share

Written by everyday Oregonians

Unlike most legislation written by partisan figures and special interests, the Oregon Rebate was written by a group of everyday Oregonians who came together in coffee shops in Eugene in 2018. 

Endorsed By: